"I think you've hit it! You do a very nice job of asking the right questions and being patient as you extract the impressive journey."
Vice President
High Technology Company


mvwGroup draws on a network of seasoned consultants, all of whom are steeped in practical application and rooted in scholarship.

mvwGroup bridges the gap between theory and practice, bringing the best of both worlds to its clients.

Marcia V. Wilkof, Ph.D.

Marcia V. Wilkof, Ph.D., mvwGroup’s founder, has decades of experience in organizational consulting, management training and university teaching; many scholarly publications and presentations; and Ivy League academic credentials. Marcia has a thirty year track record helping organizations in both the public and private sectors. Using her expertise in organizational diagnosis, planned organizational change, and training, Marcia works with groups at all organizational levels to identify and implement goals and objectives, improve decision making and conflict resolution, capitalize on diversity and develop effective inter-group relationships. She brings to each client engagement the rigor of her academic training and an accessible communication style that reaches persons at any level within the client organization: executives, managers, and employees.

Marcia is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at The Wharton School and a guest lecturer in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, both at the University of Pennsylvania. She has held academic appointments at Thomas Jefferson, Temple, Rutgers and Penn State universities; and The Philadelphia College of Textiles & Science.

Her research has been the subject of articles and papers in publications, such as: The Journal of Quality and Participation, R&D Management, The Journal of High Technology Management and Marketing Research, Health Progress and The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. She has been asked to discuss her work at seminars and conferences, including Managing the High Technology Firm, and State of the Art in R&D Management, as well as the Association of Quality and Participation, the Academy of Management and the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce.

Marcia’s dissertation served as the basis for the collegial organization described in Warren Bennis’ book, Leaders. She worked with Tom Peters on his book, Liberation Management, assessing and articulating how organizations debureaucratized, delivered quality products and services, emphasized customer service and empowered employees.

Marcia received a B.A. with honors from the University of Cincinnati and earned an M.S. and Ph.D. from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. She is listed in Who’s Who of American Women.

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